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Monastery Garden at Cimiez

Formal Garden with a sensational view

Founded in the 9th century as a Benedictine monastery, both the building and garden were taken over by the Franciscans during the 16th century and the abbey church was enlarged by them.

Formal Garden

On the south side of the Monastery buildings is a delightful formal garden. Resplendent with terraces, lovingly tended flower beds, a rosarium and citrus trees it is pleasure to stroll around. In addition there are features which enhance the planting such as sundials and other artefacts.

Most stunning of all however is the view over Nice including Castle Hill and Mont Boron.

Don’t miss: the Musée Franciscain (no charge), open Mon – Sat 10 – 12 noon and 3 – 6pm.

Practical Info Practical Info icon

164, av. des Arénes de Cimiez, 06000 Nice, Département: Alpes-Maritimes

Price: free



33 (0)4 93 81 00 04


Nice’s Suburbs

Text © Paul Shawcross

Image by Paul Shawcross