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Water Jousting

Knights of the Water (mid-Jun–late-Sep)

The exciting sport of water jousting takes place in many of the coastal towns of Provence and the Languedoc. It is typically Provençal in the displays of bravado and courage on display. It can also be seen in Brittany, Alsace, Switzerland and Germany.

The idea much the same as jousting between knights in days of yore and consists of two jouteurs standing on wooden platforms (tintaines) at the stern of opposing boats (red and blue) as they approach at high speed. A lance is used to cause the other team's jouteur to lose his balance and fall into the water while keeping one's own balance. Each jouteur carries a shield to try and fend off his opponent. The jouter who manages to remain standing is adjudged to be the winner.

Great passions are aroused amongst the locals who take the sport very seriously and members of the winning team are treated as heroes!

Water jousting can be seen at Arles, (last Sunday of September) Marseille, Martigues and Port St-Louis, usually during mid-June (also at other times) and further along the coast in the nearby Languedoc at Sète (3rd week of Aug, main event 25th Aug). Also at Marseillan and Agde throughout July & Aug. Dates vary so check with local tourist offices.

See a video clip of water jousting

Summer: June, July & Aug

Text © Paul Shawcross

Image by Paul Shawcross