Village of the Brown Rock

Perched on a rocky spur at the foot of the Rocher-de-Roquebrune this delightful old vilage, founded during the 11th Century, is located in the Var not far from Fréjus. It is in fact three villages in one: Rocquebrune itself, La Bouverie and Les Issambres.
In ancient times Rocquebrune was a stronghold and remains of the the ramparts can still be seen although its defensive walls were torn down during the Wars of Religion (1592).
There are still plenty of old houses to be found opposite the Clock Tower (above) in the rue des Portiques and elsewhere in the narrow winding streets which are a delight to wander round.
Check out the 16th Century Gothic church of St-Pierre & St-Paul and also the Musée du Patrimoine, in the Impasse Barbacane, housing Prehistoric and Roman artefacts.
2540 RD N7
83520 Roquebrune-sur-Argens
Tourist Office
+33 4 94 19 89 89
Market Day: Friday (Place Perrins)