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York Minster Undercroft

Before or after your tour: Here is York Minster Revealed

The Undercroft is STAGE 6 of The Minster in-2-Hours Itinerary.

The undercroft contains audiovisual displays about the minster and its history. It will round off your visit, though you might wish to begin your visit here instead to get the bigger picture.

Entrance to the Undercroft is via the vault in the south choir aisle, near the font.

The Undercroft below the Minster contains the oldest building remains on the site, including evidence of the original Roman fortress and Norman era finds.

Much was uncovered only in the 1960s, when urgent repairs to the foundations of the building were needed. (The large Roman pillar found down here is now exhibited outdoors, near the minster gates on the north east side.) It was on this site that the Roman camp in York was built.

The Undercroft is also used to display silver objects from the minster's treasury. The three 12th century statues on display came from the niches outside the west door, brought indoors in the 1970s to protect them from further weathering.

If you are following The Minster-in-2-Hours Itinerary, this is the final part, unless you wish to add on a visit to York Minster Roof.

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Minster, Inside the Walls





The Minster In-2-Hours

York's Greatest Building from every angle

Text © Raymond Williams

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