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York Minster Transepts

Sisters and roses face each other out

York Minster Rose Window

This is STAGE 3 of the The Minster-in-2-Hours Itinerary

South Transept [1]

The transepts are the oldest parts of the cathedral. The north transept was finished in around 1260. The south transept took 250 years to complete.

The tomb of Archbishop de Grey, who commissioned the start of it, is in the south transept. (The silver buried with him was removed during restoration and is exhibited in the Undercroft.) The dragon at his feet symbolises the conquest of evil.

The architecture of the transepts is in Early English gothic style, with its characteristic long, narrow, pointed windows. It was the earliest gothic style, replacing the Romanesque (Norman) style which had been common after the Norman conquest.

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The Minster In-2-Hours

York's Greatest Building from every angle

Text © Raymond Williams

Images by , Simon Cocks, Tony Hisgett