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  • Detailed in-app maps will help you find sites using your device’s GPS.
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The app will also allow you to:

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  • Search the entire contents using a fast and simple text-search tool.
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no yorkie's for you!

The sweet smell of success

With the wind in the right direction, a sweetish smell in the air over York is a reminder of one of the city's biggest employers.

In the nineteenth century York grew to be a major centre of the new chocolate industry, initially in making ingredients for that health-giving drink, cocoa. Raw materials came in via the River Ouse and the finished product left via the flourishing railways. (York's other main employer at the time.)

Rowntree's became the largest company, and the city was home to brands such as the legendary KitKat in this video, Smarties, After Eight and of course the newer Yorkie bar.

The company's Quaker owners played an important role in the city, creating a model village for the workforce (New Earswick), and campaigning for the understanding of the causes and alleviation of poverty. Three large York-based trusts founded with the family's proceeds continue the good work, both nationally and locally, today.

Their local rivals were Terry's on the other side of the city near the racecourse, home to the Chocolate Orange and All Gold assortment.

And today? Rowntree's continues to thrive in York, albeit as part of the Nestlé conglomerate. Terry's is now part of another multinational, and makes its products in cheaper overseas countries.

York's Chocolate Story tells the story of chocolate in the city.York Cocoa Works make upmarket chocolate on site and offer workshops and information tours.

York Cocoa Works

An upmarket venue for chocolate afficionados

York's Chocolate Story

A fun look at chocolatey history

Text © Raymond Williams

Image by debaird™