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Gorges of the Dordogne

The Gorgeous Gorges of the Dordogne

The Gorges of the Dordogne can be found in the upper part of the river valley in the Corrèze département of the Limousin region.

Many of the major rivers of France pass through gorges, some rocky and precipitous and others wooded. The Dordogne Gorges fall into the latter category and are of great ecological interest due to their extensive flora and fauna.

One of the best ways of experiencing the Gorges is by Gabarre the old flat-bottomed boats used to transport oak for barrels downriver. The riverside town of Argentat is a good starting point and there are good views from the Barrage de l’Aigle, the Barrage de Chastang, the Pont de Chambon and from the viewpoint at Bassignac-le-Haut.

See also the entry on the Upper Dordogne Valley


Upper Dordogne Valley Scenic Drive (2 days)

Gorges, dams, castles & a big river in France’s Upper Dordogne

Text © Paul Shawcross

Image by Photo by Paul Shawcross