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Orford Ness

Atomic research & wetland nature reserve

Taken July 2008 on the shingle spit just off the Suffolk coast.

Located just off the coast of Suffolk, Orford Ness is an extremely important nature reserve now in the care of the National Trust.

For much of the twentieth century, it was a closed, sensitive military environment. Visitors can explore the remains of an Atomic Weapons research establishment site, World War One and Two airfileds, a Bomb ballistics building, radar building with an exhibition about the secret research carried out on the island.

Walking trails available across the grazing marshes and to the shingle coast, lots of wildlife to be seen including porpoises and seals, rare breed sheep, wetland wading birds. Catering, shops etc are available within the town of Orford.

Practical Info Practical Info icon

Orford is signposted from the A12, using local roads. Access to Orford Ness shingle spit is only via a ferry boat. The journey takes just a few minutes. Once on Orford Ness, only foot access is possible.

Entry fee payable to Orford Ness unless a NT member, and everyone has to pay the ferry fee.

Opening times are limited, so check before visiting.

Prebooking advisable.



Walking & Nature Reserves

Text © Angela Youngman

Image by Draco2008 from UK