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Soomaa National Park

Squelchy marshy wonderland

Soomaa rahvuspark sai kaks uhket märki rinda

Extending across the flatlands some 20km east of Pärnu, the Soomaa National Park (Soomaa rahvuspark) was established in 1994 to protect a unique patchwork of grassland, peat bog and riverine forest. The area is susceptible to flooding during the spring thaw, when it becomes a paradise for bird life and boat-tripping human visitors.

Haabja canoes and walking trails

Soomaa is the traditional home of the haabja, a canoe carved from a single trunk of aspen, and propelled by an enormous paddle. Local tour operators arrange haabja cruises around the park’s waterways; canoes and kayaks are also in generous supply. There are plenty of walking trails for those who prefer to stick to dry land.


The village of Jöesuu is the main entrance to the park; south of here the Riisa Bog Trail leads across a peaty landscape carpeted with lichens, heathers, and stunted conifers.


Tõramaa is the site of the park’s Visitors’ Centre and the start of the Beaver Trail, which leads along the banks of the Tõramaa River, passing enthusiastically gnawed tree trunks and branch-built dams.

Lake Öördi

On the eastern side of the park is Lake Öördi, site of a 2km boardwalk trail through a serene environment of squelchy mosses, speckled red with cranberries in the autumn

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Visitors’ Centre (this entry’s map location)

Open: mid-May to mid-September Monday - Friday 09:00 - 17:00, Saturday & Sunday 10:00 - 18:00


Hiking & Bog-Walking


Western Estonia

Text © Jonathan Bousfield

Image by Aivar Ruukel