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  • Search the entire contents using a fast and simple text-search tool.
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Hiking & Bog-Walking

Walking on Kuresoo Bog, Soomaa national park, Estonia

Despite the lack of anything resembling a mountain, low-lying Estonia offers a wealth of hiking opportunities. If you like forests, then you’ll love the woodland trails of the Lahemaa National Park. It’s easy to combine a forest hike with traditional activities like berry-picking in early summer or mushrooming in autumn.

Boardwalk trails in bogs, trails through the heaths of Saaremaa and Hiiumaa, Kihnu is perfect for short strolls. Beach-walking on the islands or at Pärnu Beach, famous for its never-ending stretch of sand, is also a compelling activity.

Estonia’s bogs

Created by the natural accumulation of moisture-bearing mosses, there are few landscapes as starkly beautiful as an Estonian bog. The archetypal bog-scape comprises a spongy-green carpet of sphagnum moss, frequently punctuated by shimmering blue ponds and supporting a sprinkling of heathers, stunted conifers and spindly birches. Plants which relish the soggy conditions include cloudberries and cranberries (note that you are usually banned from picking these), making the bog a popular feeding ground for birds and insects.
Many of Estonia’s bogs can be explored via specially constructed wooden walkways that keep your feet above the soggy ground - especially in the Soomaa National Park, and the Viru Bog in Lahemaa National Park.


Lahemaa National Park



Mellow island with rich folklore

Pärnu Beach

Fine white sand

Soomaa National Park

Squelchy marshy wonderland

Viru Bog

Hauntingly beautiful wetland

Text © Jonathan Bousfield

Image by Aivar Ruukel