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Viru Bog

Hauntingly beautiful wetland

Approaching Lahemaa from the Tallinn direction, the first of the park’s set-piece attractions is Viru Bog (Viru raba), an area of peat bog, just over 2km square, created over a period of 10,000 years by decaying mosses.

A 3.5km-long wooden walkway curves northeast across the bog, providing a superb vantage point over this strange landscape of grey-brown lichens and stunted conifers, with pine-covered dunes just visible to the northwest.

Late May to early June is the best time to visit, when stretches of the bog are covered in wild flowers.

Practical Info Practical Info icon

Viru Bog is just north of the Tallinn–Narva highway – take the Loksa turn-off and look for a sign for the Viru Bog Nature Trail (Viru raba õpperada) on your right after about 1km.

Hiking & Bog-Walking

Lahemaa National Park

Estonia In-10-Days

Baltic road trip

Text © Jonathan Bousfield