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Chateaux & Gardens

Château de Chambord

There are superb parks and gardens just about everywhere you go in la Belle France - it isn’t called ‘Belle’ for nothing!

Most Régions have their fair share of green spaces, some formal, some much less so but invariably they are extremely well cared for. Many Gardens are attached to Châteaux, Palaces or Monasteries while others are independent. Sometimes they have been developed by wealthy individuals or families while others are the pride of the local authorities.

Most gardens charge for access - some are free like Jardins de Luxembourg and the Tuileries in Paris. Not far from Paris is my favourite and one you shouldn’t miss if at all possible is Monet’s Garden but don’t forget to book in advance!

Château & Gardens de Losse

Elegant Château and Gardens on the Vézère River

Fontainebleau Château

Home of the French Monarch

Jardin Albert 1st

A haven for locals & tourists alike

Jardins d'Eyringnac

The gardens of the Manoir d’Eyringnac in the Dordogne

Jardins de Marquessac

Overhanging gardens above the River Dordogne

Musée Masséna

The Masséna Palace & Gardens at Nice

Monet’s Garden


Serre de la Madone

A center for enthusiasts of rare plants in Menton


Le Château de Versailles

Villa Ephrussi

Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild

Text © Paul Shawcross

Image by Wilfried Santer on Unsplash