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1453–1848: Renaissance & Enlightenment

King Louis XIV: The Sun King

The Renaissance proved to be a period of relative peace and prosperity for France. Jacques Cartier explored the Gulf of St Lawrence in 1534 and soon new territorial possessions were acquired. In 1608 Samuel de Champlain founded Quebec City and by 1650 France held sway over large tracts of North America which became known as New France.

The Sun King, Louis XIV came to the throne in 1643 and reigned for 72 years bringing stability to a nation which had experienced war and conflict for centuries. During the following century however things were to change and in 1763 France lost New France in North America to the British and Spanish following the Seven Year’s War.

At home the peace and prosperity of the previous period was beginning to wane as social and economic conditions worsened. The Bourgeoisie or emerging middle class felt they were paying more than their fair share of taxes and this led to the Revolution of 1789. By 1793 the King and Queen has been executed and in 1799 Napoleon seized power becoming Emperor of France. Twelve years later he had conquered most of Europe too but in 1815 was defeated by an alliance including the English and Prussians at Waterloo.

Château de Chambord

A King’s Hunting Lodge

Château de Chantilly

A Chateau on the Water

Château de Chenonceau

Bridge over the Cher

Château de Ussé

The inspiration for Perrault’s Sleeping Beauty

Fontainebleau Château

Home of the French Monarch

Palais Lascaris

Museum of Folk Art, traditions & musical instruments


Le Château de Versailles

Text © Paul Shawcross

Image by Public Domain: Artist Hyacinthe Rigaud