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1870>: The Modern Era

The Grande Plage at Biarritz

France’s Modern Era began with the country in turmoil. It was at war with its own citizens as well as the Prussians. Paris was besieged and eventually in January 1870 surrendered as did Metz in October. Indeed France was made to hand over the whole of Alsace Lorraine which was to remain in German hands till 1918.

The National Government, or Third Republic, had moved to Versailles because Paris was out of control and for a short period in 1871 (Mar 18th - May 28th) the Paris Commune, a group of radical socialists, were running the capital until they were brutally suppressed by the authorities.

The Eiffel Tower

The first five years of the new regime were very difficult but after that things settled down and the Third Republic was to last till 1940. During this time the Arts flourished and the Eiffel Tower was built in 1889. At the turn of the century France hosted the second modern Summer Olympics in Paris the home city of Baron de Coubertin founder of the modern Olympic movement.

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The D-Day Beaches

Omaha, Utah, Juno, Gold and Sword

Tour Eiffel

Gustave Eiffel’s Masterpiece

Villard de Lans and the Vercors

Refuge of the French Resistance

Text © Paul Shawcross

Images by Paul Shawcross