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Peruvian art is as varied as its history and culture. There are 55 indigenous cultures in Peru, plus criollo culture, which is the mix of Spanish and indigenous cultures. If you’re in Lima, don’t miss the Museo de Arte de Lima, which has the best art collection in Peru. Lima also has many talented modern artists, like Chermany (below).

The best place to see Inca and pre-Inca art is at Cusco’s Museo de Arte Precolombino. To see artists at work in Cusco, check out the San Blas neighborhood. In many Peruvian cities you’ll be bombarded by people selling everything from paintings to handmade jewelry in the streets.


Sistine Chapelle of the Americas

Buying Art in Arequipa

Stonework & more

Buying Art in Cusco

Buy directly from artists

Buying Art in Lima

Try Barranco first

Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Lima

Modern art

Museo de Arte de Lima

Built in 1870

Museo de Arte Precolombino

1250 BCE to 1532

Museo de Arte Religioso

Religious paintings

Museo Máximo Laura

Unique tapestries

Traditional Textile Center of Cusco

Weaving as art

Xapiri Ground

Coffee & art (b,l,d; $$)

Text © Heather Jasper

Image by Heather Jasper