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Machu Picchu

Heather Jasper at Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu was designed by the Inca Pachecutec and built in the 1400s. A UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1983, the ruins were voted one of the New 7 Wonders of the World in 2007. It was built on a narrow ridge amongst tropical forest at 2,430 m (7,972ft) above sea level. This is 1,000 meters lower than Cusco, but still high enough that a person who comes directly from sea level may feel out of breath on the stairs.

Though it’s the most famous Inca ruin, it’s certainly not the only one. Nor is it an absolute must see. There are many Inca ruins around Cusco and throughout the Sacred Valley. Other ruins, like Choquequirao and Waqra Pukará, rival Machu Picchu for cultural, historic and architectural importance. (See my 7-day itinerary without Machu Picchu).

So why is Machu Picchu so popular?

Read the full content in the app
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Machu Picchu Practicalities

Machu Picchu’s Circuits

Routes around the ruins

Machu Picchu’s Extra Hikes

Many options!

Aguas Calientes

The town by Machu Picchu

Text © Heather Jasper

Images by Heather Jasper