Seasons, Festivals and Events
There's a host of events in the York calendar. Some, like the Mystery Plays, are held every few years. Others, like the horse races, happen several times a year.
And York now has a large number of special festivals and weeks designed to interest both locals and visitors. These cover sporting events, music and the arts and food and drink, for example.
The highlights are listed below but also more minor events include:
York Rivers Festival with dragon boat races.
Bonfire Night (November 5th) is celebrated annually, marking the failed conspiracy involving local boy Guy Fawkes.
Illuminating York (October)

Festival of Food and Drink (September)
Early Music Festival (July) (video)
Great Yorkshire Fringe festival of comedy, variety and entertainment (July)
Information about the numerous current and future events can be found at the Tourist Information Office or at the Visit York website.