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Museum Gardens

Excellent spot for a picnic

Museum Gardens Flowers

This park and botanical gardens is midway between the station and the Minster, around the Yorkshire Museum, just outside the walls and extending down to the River Ouse.

The gardens also contain the ruins of St Mary's Abbey, a large, medieval Benedictine Monastery that became the wealthiest in Yorkshire. It was closed on King Henry VIII's orders in 1539 as part of his dissolution of the rich and powerful monasteries. Over the centuries the stone was used for other buildings around the city, leaving the abbey in its current sorry state.

The Hospitium

The timber-framed building in the frounds is the Hospitium, the abbey's former guest house.

The abbey's stones were also used in the making of the flower beds at the side of the museum, with their collection of ferns and plant fossils, as well as a handsome specimen Gingko Biloba tree.

Tip On a fine day Museum Gardens makes a good stop for a picnic break in a busy day of sightseeing.

Practical Info Practical Info icon

LOCATION Station Area / Castle Area

Museum Gardens

7am - 8pm (Summer); 7am - 6pm (Winter)

1069–1200: Norman York

The Minster Area

Parks & Gardens

Text © Raymond Williams

Images by chippykev, Paul Tomlin