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Micklegate Bar & Museum

A gate with a museum in it

Micklegate Bar

This bar was the entry point through the walls for travellers from the south. The journey into the city continues along Micklegate on one side, and leaves in the direction of the Knavesmire.

Over 800 years old, this four-storey bar is the gate used by British monarchs entering the city. They need to stop to ask the permission to enter of the Lord Mayor; six different monarchs have done so.

This was also the place where many prisoners were held on their way to execution down the road at the Knavesmire. And here the heads of executed criminals and traitors were mounted on show as a warning to others. (The last was in 1754.)

During the siege of York (1644) in the English Civil War it was damaged by Cromwell's munitions. Look for the pockmarks on the walls facing out of the city.

Access to the bar itself is free, as part of the walls. Admission charges apply only to the small museum which sets out the story Henry VII, the first Tudor king of England following his defeat of the Plantagenet Richard III. (There is a Richard III Experience museum in Monk Bar.)

TIP Reduced entry tickets to the museum, if booked with combo Richard III experience.

TIME Allow a few minutes

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LOCATION Station Area




1200–1600: Medieval York

The Station Area


Walk the Walls In-Half-A-Day

A popular way to get an overview of the city

Text © Raymond Williams

Image by NH53