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Free Walking Tour

A stroll with a local

Owt for Nowt?!

A long-standing association of over eighty local voluntary guides provides a free service to welcome visitors to York. It would seem to give the lie to the old Yorkshire adage "You can't get owt for nowt!" (=You can't get something for nothing.)

Their guided tours can vary in length, according to the route taken. Tours start in front of the Art Gallery near Bootham Bar. They usually finish in the Shambles at the other side of the city centre.

They include a stretch of the city walls, usually from Bootham Bar along behind the Minster, though tours can vary according to the interests of the guide.

Tip The tours are very popular amongst visitors. The style and quality of the tours is variable depending on the guide. But it's always possible to unhook yourself part of the way through if it's not really your cup of tea after all.

There's no need to book. Just turn up at the right time and wait at the board sign on the pavement in front of the art gallery.

TIME Allow from 2 to 2 1/2 hours

Practical Info Practical Info icon

LOCATION Minster Area

Exhibition Square, Just Outside the Walls

April-October 10.15, 2.15 (June-August also 6.15); November-March 10.15 and 1.15 daily

The Minster Area

For Free

Walking Tours

York In-Two-Days: Day 1

The Minster Area Explored

Text © Raymond Williams

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