Velma’s Place
No-nonsense Bajan fare (l,d; $)
In a delightful location, this country rum-shop-cum-local restaurant offers “sweet-tasting” traditional Bajan fare at local prices. At Velma’s, expect plentiful portions and warm hospitality.
The changing menu is written up on the whiteboard: chicken, fish or sometimes lamb, and souse on Saturdays, of course. Combine with your pick of Bajan starches and carbs: garlic breadfruit, plantain coucou, rice and peas, mac pie.
Eat at the picnic benches or order a take-away.
Bragg’s Hill, St Thomas, 300 metres downhill from Hunte’s Gardens. Check the link for directions by bus and car.
Tue–Sat 11am–9pm.
1 246 4338912