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This is a preview of the full content of our Dordogne’s Best app.

Please consider downloading this app to support small independent publishing and because:

  • All content is designed for mobile devices and works best there.
  • Detailed in-app maps will help you find sites using your device’s GPS.
  • The app works offline (one time upgrade required on Android versions).
  • All advertising (only present on Android versions) can be removed.

The app will also allow you to:

  • Add custom locations to the app map (your hotel…).
  • Create your own list of favourites as you browse.
  • Search the entire contents using a fast and simple text-search tool.
  • Make one-click phone calls (on phones).
iOS App Store Google Play


Geese at Creysse

The Périgord is the old, pre-Revolutionary name for what is now the Dordogne département in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Région of South West France.

The Colour Coded Périgord

Unofficially the area is often divided into four with each section identified with a colour. These are the Black Périgord (Périgord Noir), the Green Périgord (Périgord Vert), the White Périgord (Périgord Blanc) and the Purple Périgord (Périgord Pourpre).

The most visited is the Périgord Noir but to ignore the other three would be a mistake as there are many fine attractions to be enjoyed.




The Venice of the Périgord

Château de Castelnaud

Castelnaud Castle and Museum of Medieval Warfare

Château de Montal

Heartbreak Château

Château des Milandes

Josephine Baker's country residence


Capital of the Périgord Vert


A Beautiful Village in the Périgord Noir


A Plus Beau Village in the Green Périgord


A Plus Beau Village on the Vézère

Text © Paul Shawcross

Image by Paul Shawcross