Restaurants, Cafes & Pubs
Every major town in the East of England has a wide range of restaurants. Opening hours tend to be mainly from lunchtime onwards, although many will only be open for the evening trade.
Whatever type of food you like, you can find it as there is a vast array of ethnic food, vegetarian and vegan options along with lots of pizza parlours.
Prices vary considerably but in general expect to pay around £20 upwards.
Cafes & Pubs
All locations within the East of England are well supplied with cafes. Pubs are also widespread, although numbers have declined in recent years due to changing circumstances especially following the pandemic. Most are located in the high streets.
Out of town sites are most likely to offer parking, and it can be worth checking out farm shops and garden centres as these increasingly offer good food and value for money.
Prices vary considerably often due to location, but generally expect to pay upwards of £6 for a simple dish.