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People have been attracted to the Dordogne region – known as the Périgord prior to the French Revolution – for thousands of years. Evidence of human occupation from the Palaeolithic age can be seen especially along the beautiful valley of the river Vézere.

Since then many have come to stay at least for a while. Gauls, Romans, Franks, English, French and finally the English (again) along with the Dutch have settled happily. No doubt the climate, fertile land, abundant water and a relaxed, healthy way of life (underwritten by fabulous food and wine) all contribute.

These factors also draw visitors from around the world. Today the area is one the most well-known and visited parts of France.

The Dordogne River

Gabarre and Castelnaud

Gabare on the Dordogne at Castelnaud

Rising in the Massif Centrale, the Dordogne begins at the confluence of two torrents – the Dore and the Dogne. This magnificent river then flows for nearly 500km or about 300 miles to the Gironde Estuary near Bordeaux.

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Les Eyzies de Tayac



Cyrano Probably Wasn’t Here!

Beynac et Cazenac

The stunning Château de Beynac

Cathédrale St-Front at Périgueux

Abadie's inspiration for the Sacre-Coeur

Château de Castelnaud

Castelnaud Castle and Museum of Medieval Warfare

Château des Milandes

Josephine Baker’s country residence


The Acropolis of the Dordogne

Dordogne River

The Dordogne River Valley from Mont Dore to the Gironde

Grottes de la Roc de Cazelle at Les Eyzies

Cave of the Roc de Cazelle at Les Eyzies

Grottes de Lascaux

Sorry we’re closed but how about Lascaux 2 or maybe 4?


Prehistory in the Dordogne


Gateway to Lascaux

Périgord Noir

The Black Périgord


A Plus Beau Village on the River Vézère


A film set with arguabl the best market in France


Hidden Hamlet


A Beautiful Village in the Périgord Noir

Tour de Vésone at Périgueux

Temple of Vesunna

Vézère River

The river destined to become the cradle of man

Text © Paul Shawcross

Images by Paul Shawcross,