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Bordeaux Place de la Bourse & Miroir d’Eau

Symbol of Bordeaux

The Borse at Bordeaux

The Place de la Bourse has always been a symbol of Bordeaux but this has been even more so following the turn of the 20th century creation of the Miroir d’Eau which creates a perfect reflection.

It took twenty years to construct the Place and the Classical buildings around it. The work was entrusted to Louis XV’s Architect Jacques Gabriel who designed and constructed the rectangular Place and the the Hotel de la Bourse including the central Pavillion. Gabriel was assisted by his father who built the Hotel des Fermes.

Place dl Bourse

The Three Graces fountain of 1869 replaced an earlier one of Napoleon but the addition of the Miroir d’Eau in 2006 completes the ensemble. Designed by landscape artist Michel Corajoud, the water is only 2cms (less than an inch) deep and creates a perfect reflection of the Place de la Bourse.



Text © Paul Shawcross

Images by Marc Ryckaert (MJJR) CC 3, Nguyenhuuthanh CC3