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Oyster Fishermens Cottages Gujan Mistras

The Gironde is a Département in South West France named after the tidal Estuary into which the mighty Garonne and Dordogne Rivers flow. The Estuary is the biggest in Western Europe, covering 635 km2 and is 75km long, stretching as far as Bordeaux, the Prefecture of Nouvelle Aquitaine.

In the north of Gironde is the Medoc which is a huge area for wine production and many of the regions best known wines are produced here. Indeed the whole area is renowned for its fine wines, especially around Bordeaux, between the two Rivers Entre-Deux-Mers and St-Emilion.

Dune du Pilat in the Gironde

The Dune du Pilat

West of Bordeaux the Bassin d’Archcahon and the amazing Dune du Pilat are well worth the journey to see and enjoy. A tour round the Bassin and a day on the unique elevated sand dune at Pilat are experiences you won’t be able to enjoy in many places!

Finally, one of the main reasons for visiting the Gironde has to be a visit one the most important and elegant cities in all of France, Bordeaux. Without question this absolutely fascinating city should not be missed!

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Gironde Tourism


Bordeaux Place de la Bourse & Miroir d’Eau

Symbol of Bordeaux

Monument to the Girondins

Victims of the Reign of Terror

Bordeaux Wine

A glass of Claret?

Dordogne River

The Dordogne River Valley from Mont Dore to the Gironde

Dune du Pilat, Bassin d’Arcachon

The Highest Sand Dune in Europe


A Saint and a Fine Wine

Text © Paul Shawcross

Images by Paul Shawcross