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Place de l aBourse

JULY 2023 BORDEAUX & THE TOUR DE FRANCE Be here on July 7th 2023 for a Stage Finish (the 7th) in this fine UNESCO world heritage city as the riders arrive from their ride through the Landes and the Garonne valley.

Bordeaux - a name synonymous with a fine wine and a fine City! At first sight you would be forgiven for thinking that Bordeaux is an 18th century creation when you encounter its stunning Neo-classical splendour. Victor Hugo remarked that ‘Take Versailles, add Antwerp and you have Bordeaux” and indeed the architect who designed the Petit Trianon at Versailles also designed the magnificent Place de la Bourse (see link below) for Louis XV in 1755.

Pre-Roman Period

However, Bordeaux actually goes back to pre-Roman times when it was known as Burdigala and was an important commercial port on the River Garonne. The Romans were here of course but the only evidence of that nowadays is the 3rd century Palais Gallien and the Bordeaux Wine production which they first introduced!

Eleanor of Aquitaine

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Bordeaux Place de la Bourse & Miroir d’Eau

Symbol of Bordeaux

Monument to the Girondins

Victims of the Reign of Terror

Text © Paul Shawcross

Images by Gilles Messian, Marc Ryckaert (MJJR) CC 3, Nguyenhuuthanh CC3