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Monument to the Girondins

Victims of the Reign of Terror

Monument to the Girondins

An emotionally powerful fountain statue on the Esplanade de Quinconce commemorating the Girondists who were a group of Revolutionaries mostly from the Bordeaux region who became quite militant members of the Legislative Assembly in Paris.

They made the mistake of opposing Maximillien Robespierrre and were accused of wanting to slow down the momentum of the Revolution. As a result they were executed on his orders in October 1793 although were soon considered martyrs by many throughout France.

The Monument was erected between 1895 and1902 at the western end of the Place des Quinconces on the left bank of the Garonne just along from the Place de la Bourse. It consists of two pools with spectacular, dramatic statues and bronze fountains with a 43 m/ 141 ft high column featuring a statue of liberty on top.

Whilst in the Place check out the Colonnes Rostrales erected in 1829 to celebrate French Mastery of the Seas.



Text © Paul Shawcross

Image by Marc Ryckaert (MJJR) CC 3