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Cusco Markets

Mercado San Pedro Cusco

The markets in Cusco are fabulous places to buy souvenirs, food to prepare at your hostel and full meals.

The most famous is San Pedro but I also love the San Blas Market, the Wanchaq Market and the Saturday market in the Plaza Túpac Amaru.

Mercado San Pedro is famous for souvenirs and dozens of juice stalls where you can get fresh fruit juice and smoothies. I recommend trying a creamy smoothie of lúcuma, strawberry and milk. San Pedro is the only market with good souvenir stalls. It’s dark inside because of the metal roof designed by Gustave Eiffel.

Mercado San Blas is much smaller and has better breakfast and lunch sections than San Pedro. It doesn’t have souvenirs but is better for photos because it has more natural light than San Pedro.

Mercado Wanchaq is the best for buying fruits and veggies, with a bigger selection than any other market. It’s not good for breakfast or souvenirs.

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Plaza Túpac Amaru

Saturday Market

San Blas Market

Best for meals

San Pedro Market

Eiffel’s gift to Cusco

Wanchaq Market

Local shopping

Text © Heather Jasper

Images by Heather Jasper