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Dean's Park

A quiet spot near the Minster

On a fine day Dean's Park is a pleasant place to take a break from sightseeing. It's enclosed by the city walls and the Minster. Basically the Minster's back garden, it is managed by the Minster authorities.

For a picnic, check out Henshelwood's Deli, nearby Goji, or The Hairy Fig in Fossgate.

If your picnic is rained off, however, then there are plenty of restaurants and cafes nearby. (See below.)

TIP Coming from Stonegate, if you're going to Monk Bar or planning to see Holy Trinity Church in Goodramgate, then Dean's Park offers a convenient short cut, avoiding the busy streets and footstreets.

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LOCATION Minster Area

York Minster, YO1 7JN

The Minster Area

Parks & Gardens

Text © Raymond Williams

Image by