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71–400: Roman York

They came, saw and conquered

York Roman Festival

In 71AD the Roman governor of occupied Britain sent the Ninth Legion north to subdue the rebellious Brigantine tribes. They made their base at the strategic area between the Rivers Ouse and Foss and called it Eboracum.

Their main military camp, with 5000 men, was on the site of York Minster.

In 209-11 the imperial court was based here. The emperor Constantine visited (and died) in York in 306. His son Constantine, founder of Constantinople and the first Christian emperor, was proclaimed emperor here. The Romans left in 410, and York was ready for the next invaders - the Anglo Saxons.

There are Roman remains dotted around the city. In 1920 remains of the legion's bath were discovered (now under the Roman Bath pub). Parts of the walls are Roman, as is the original Multangular tower. The Yorkshire Museum has some fascinating artefacts, and the York Minster Undercroft of the Minster records some finds.

Archaeologists are aware that there are many remains below the surface waiting to be uncovered.

Bootham Bar

The oldest of York's bars

The City Walls

Security in the City


Hands-on history for kids that's never b-o-o-ring

Multangular Tower

View a fragment of Roman York

Roman Bath Pub

Pub in a museum - or museum in a pub? (l; £)

Text © Raymond Williams

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