Restaurants & Food
For centuries, rye bread, salted fish and beer were the main pillars of the Estonian diet, with roast pork making an appearance on festive occasions. Such staples are still the norm, although there’s now a great deal else besides.
Eating usually takes place in a restaurant (restoran) with table service, or a café (kohvik) where you can order and pay at the counter. Cafés often provide a simpler menu of main courses than restaurants but they are usually cheaper - and frequently excel in their choice of pastries and cakes.
Inns & Pubs
In rural or well-touristed areas you’ll come across traditional inns (kõrts), which cater for both eaters and drinkers with a traditional choice of meat-and-potato standards washed down with fine ales. In addition, many Pubs and Bars offer a limited menu of hot food.