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Gascony Courrensan

Now part of the new Région of Occitanie, the Midi-Pyrénées is made up to a large extent of the old regions of Quercy in the north and Gascony further south.


The Quercy is the pre-Revolutionary name for the Lot and the northern section of the Tarn-et-Garonne Départements. Bordered by the Départements of the Dordogne, Corrèze, Cantal and the southern part of the Tarn-et-Garonne, the Quercy has lots of fascinating places to visit.



The Quercy itself is divided into two parts - the Haut-Quercy in the North and the Bas-Quercy or, as it is sometimes known, Quercy Blanc due to its white limestone buildings, in the south stretching down to Montauban on the border with Languedoc.

Read the full content in the app
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Albi the Red Brick City


Capital of Gascony


Home to a Prime Minister, a Pope and the Devil


A Plus Beau Village in the Lot

Charles Martel

The origin of Martel's three hammers

Château de Castelnau-Bretenoux

Red stone castle guarding the Dordogne & Cère


Village with geese & a double-apsed church


City of Champollion

Forêt des Singes

The forest of Barbary Macaques


“Je ne regrette rien!"

Gouffre de Padirac

The Padirac Chasm & underground river


Superb views of the Dordogne from Loubressac


Roman Catholic Pilgrimage Site


Seven towers & three hammers

The Mystery of Montaillou

A Cathar Village Investigated


Pilgrimage site for the modern tourist

Rocher des Aigles

Rock of eagles, vultures & falcons


A Plus Beau Village with a View of the Lot

Viaduc de Millau

The World's Tallest Bridge

Text © Paul Shawcross

Images by Paul Shawcross