Now part of the new Région of Occitanie, the Midi-Pyrénées is made up to a large extent of the old regions of Quercy in the north and Gascony further south.
The Quercy is the pre-Revolutionary name for the Lot and the northern section of the Tarn-et-Garonne Départements. Bordered by the Départements of the Dordogne, Corrèze, Cantal and the southern part of the Tarn-et-Garonne, the Quercy has lots of fascinating places to visit.
The Quercy itself is divided into two parts - the Haut-Quercy in the North and the Bas-Quercy or, as it is sometimes known, Quercy Blanc due to its white limestone buildings, in the south stretching down to Montauban on the border with Languedoc.