Greece has been organised by using the regions in the colour coded map above.
Athens, the capital and far and away the largest city lies at the centre and almost at the southern tip of Central Greece, a region known for its ancient history. Also well connected to the capital is the Peloponnese region, a large section of the mainland jutting out to the south west of the country famous for its traditional villages and Mount Olympia.
Further north, Mainland Greece contains Thessaly a mountainous region while Northern Greece forms a land border with several countries - Albania; North Macedonia; Bulgaria and Turkey, yet is otherwise known for its castle towns and Land of the Lakes. It’s also the gateway to Greece’s second city Thessaloniki.
The rest of Greece take the form of thousands of islands, of which around two-hundred are inhabited. Many of these Greek Islands are famously popular with holiday makers. Crete is the largest and has its own section, other key islands are covered by island groups.