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Cafés & Tea Rooms

Betty's Tea Rooms

Yorkshire folk know the importance of a cup of tea to raise stamina levels or flagging spirits. There’s a large number of cafés all over the centre of York, catering for the many visitors the city has, as well as locals doing their shopping.

Whether a simple refreshing cuppa, a cream tea, or a full-scale blow-out of three courses (sandwich, scone, cake), the city falls over itself to cater for visitors and locals alike.


All cafés mentioned can provide the necessary, but here are a few selected highlights:

Bettys: Queen of the stylish cafés

Spurriergate Centre: Homely with homemade cakes

The Library: For a quick cup of tea and a biscuit

Goji: Speciality teas, tissanes, wholefood cake (incl. vegan chocolate)


Look out for two local tea-time specialities:

Yorkshire Curd Cake On sale in many cafés, and all baker's shops, both as individual and larger flans.

Apple Pie with cheese Don't be surprised at a café in York if you're asked if you'd like cheese with your rich fruit cake or apple pie, instead of cream. It's a local custom. Hence the Yorkshire saying: Apple pie without the cheese, is like a kiss without the squeeze.

And cheese in Yorkshire is often equated to Yorkshire's very own Wensleydale. Classic Wensleydale is a mild, white, crumbly cheese with a tangy note, and has been made in the rural town of Hawes since the twelfth century. In truth there are many other local cheeses. (As a visit to Henshelwood's will show.) (Try Shepherd's Purse or Jervaux, for instance.)

Betty's Stonegate

Upmarket tea in historic Stonegate (b,l; ££)

Betty's Tea Rooms

Afternoon tea in style, but at a price (b,l,d, ££)

City Screen

Central cinema with events & cafe-bar (l,d; ££)


Great vegetarian, vegan food selection (b Fri,Sat only, l; £)

The Hairy Fig

Gourmets' delight behind a modest exterior (b, l; ££)


A library with an identity issue and a café (b,l; £)

LICC Ice cream

A hidden sweet treat for visitors and locals alike

Los Moros

North African street food experience (l, d; ££)

Spurriergate Centre

Fair-priced eats in a historic setting (b,l; £)

York Cocoa Works

An upmarket venue for chocolate afficionados

Text © Raymond Williams

Image by Jackie Meredith