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Côte de Granit Rose in the Côtes-d’Armor

Brittany has long been thought of as a land of mystery with a long rugged coastline - check out the Côte de Granit Rose and mist covered uplands inhabited by wild creatures. It was in fact colonized by people from Cornwall during the 5th/6th Centuries escaping from the Anglo Saxon invaders into Britain. They inherited a land which had been part of the Roman Empire and they called it Little Britain or Brittany.

The standing stones at Carnac and menhirs dotted around the countryside are in fact from prehistoric times - no one is quite sure when. These stones are close to the wonderful Golfe de Morbihan which has to be one of the most peaceful places in France.

There are several fascinating cities to visit including Dinan, Saint-Malo, Concarneau, Vannes and Pont Aven.

Whilst Brittany may well have a long rugged coastline, it also has some magnificent sandy beaches! Check these out here: Breton Beaches!

Practical Info Practical Info icon

Brittany Tourism Website

Breton Beaches

A Small Selection


The Blue Town

Côte de Granit Rose

Brittany’s Famous Pink Granite Coast


Home of a Heroic Warrior Knight

Golfe du Morbihan

Pont Aven

A Haven forArtists


A pretty town with two centres


Brittany’s Corsair Port


Standing Stones & Menhirs


Capital of the Morbihan

Text © Paul Shawcross

Image by Paul Shawcross